ActivateUTS Policies | Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
ActivateUTS Privacy Policy
ActivateUTS is subject to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the National Privacy Principles. This policy deals with how ActivateUTS collects, manages and discloses personal information.
- Collects personal information from or about you for the purpose of providing information about its products and services and those of its affiliates such as ActivateFit.Gym, Haberfield Rowers Club and Restaurant, and Aerial UTS Function Centre;
- Only collects such information as is reasonably necessary to enable ActivateUTS and Affiliates to provide its products and services;
- Will not disclose your personal information without your consent to anyone other than its authorized staff and ActivateUTS Affiliates, except where:
- it is required by law to do so; or
- disclosure is reasonably necessary to minimize a serious and imminent threat to your health or safety or that of another person; or
- you have consented to the disclosure.
- Will implement appropriate procedures and systems to protect personal information from loss or misuse or unauthorized access, modification or disclosure in accordance with the National Privacy Principles;
- Will take reasonable steps to ensure that personal information held is relevant, not excessive, accurate, complete and up to date; and retain personal information for no longer than is necessary and then dispose of it lawfully and securely.
You can stop receiving emails from us at any time by using the unsubscribe link in any of the emails we’ve sent you. You can also unsubscribe by contacting the relevant area of ActivateUTS. While we will do our best to ensure we update our database, if you have indicated an interest in more than one area, your contact details may exist on several databases within ActivateUTS and you may need to unsubscribe from each individual database. You can request to have your details removed from all known databases managed by ActivateUTS by emailing
If you unsubscribe, you may still receive emails from ActivateUTS if you have given your contact details for other reasons. You may also receive online advertising from other types of advertising campaigns.
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